
Technology Articles and Tools

10 Best Customer Experience Software To Grow Business

That said, Customer Experience Software is designed to help you deliver better experiences to your customers so they can stick with your brand. Using this, you can also retain more customers and boost customer loyalty. It helps you understand how customers perceive your products/services and whether they are satisfied with your offerings or not. And if you do not know these things, how can you improve your deliverability? So, if you assume that they are satisfied by just looking at the sales, you are missing something....

December 31, 2022 · 13 min · 2713 words · Mike Rosales

10 Best Green Screen Backgrounds For Streaming And Meeting

There may be instances when you are streaming live or having a photo shoot in your messy room. In this case, you will want to avoid filming this clutter. Thanks to the green screens available in portable and handy versions. What is a Green Screen? A green screen is a valuable tool for photographers, content creators, streamers, etc., that can help add custom backgrounds to videos and photos. At whatever level of streaming or photography you are, green screens can help you give a professional look to your content....

December 31, 2022 · 6 min · 1140 words · Ramiro Stewart

10 Python Cheat Sheets For Developer To Bookmark

The language is versatile, flexible, easy to debug, comes with extensive libraries and frameworks, and has a strong community, making it an exceptional choice for modern applications. In addition, it is highly readable, uses simple syntax, and is easy to learn compared to other programming languages. However, you would still need some help while programming as you can’t remember everything even though you understand the concept. And if you go on searching for resources to clear your doubts, it’s time-consuming....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 692 words · Kevin Michalski

11 Best Copywriting Learning Resources And Tutorials

That’s what I think, and I’m sure many people who know what copywriting is all about would agree with me. It seems appealing in so many ways. You get to work from home, no need to commute to the office, and no boss sneaking around. You can take a power nap whenever you feel like and travel to places you dreamed of, without waiting for a leave application to get approved....

December 31, 2022 · 13 min · 2668 words · Clinton Williams

11 Best Secure Whatsapp Chat Alternatives In 2022

And by messaging app, we mean the app people use the most to communicate worldwide – WhatsApp. This article will give you an overview of WhatsApp, its security and privacy flaws, and discuss some alternatives you can use. WhatsApp – Overview and Hype Communication is vital, and WhatsApp has changed how people communicate over the past few years. No doubt, it’s the most popular messaging app across the globe. Officially launched in 2009, it has more than 2 billion users monthly....

December 31, 2022 · 9 min · 1786 words · Daniel Gensler

11 Best Wordpress Backup And Migration Plugins

And I am sure you wouldn’t want to do that. Nobody would like that. It’s easy to get carried away with all the blogging tasks and forget about backing up your website. We all know its importance, but only a few of us regularly backup our sites, probably because most of us think everything would be just fine. That’s a wrong assumption because literally anything can happen to your website overnight....

December 31, 2022 · 7 min · 1355 words · Isabel Chua

11 Node Js Bundler And Build Tools To Know As Js Developer

Node.js is a globally acclaimed JavaScript runtime environment (RTE) for running server-side JavaScript codebase. Single-page applications (SPAs), mobile apps, and hybrid web app development become easy and cost-effective with Node.js. Because the client-side apps or web browsers also run JavaScript similar to that of the server side. What Are Node.js Bundler and Build Tools? A web or mobile app built with Node.js will contain multiple JavaScript files, dependencies, and libraries....

December 31, 2022 · 10 min · 2044 words · Justin Torpey

12 Nosql Database For Your Next Modern Project

But, what is a NoSQL database? Is it any better than the usual relational databases? What are some of the best NoSQL database programs you can consider for your projects? Here, I shall discuss all the above questions to help you explore more about it. What is a NoSQL Database? A NoSQL database can be classified as something that doesn’t store the data the same way a relational database does....

December 31, 2022 · 8 min · 1595 words · Benita Jones

13 Awesome Joomla Seo Optimised Templates

The first, is WordPress! There are plenty of free Joomla templates available in the market, but very few are built with a high standard, including the following. Design & LayoutSEO OptimizedResponsiveUser-Friendly/Mobile-Ready Joomla can fit into any requirement, from blogs to corporate websites. Here are some of the powered by Joomla to give you an idea. Harvard UniversityCitibankThree Square Ready to explore? Afterburner 2 Afterburner 2 is built on Gantry 4 framework having 34 module positions comes in 3 preset styles....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 846 words · Edward Diamond

13 Tools To Share Large Files Online

Though you can share files of a few MBs using regular methods like email, social media channels, or messaging apps, things get complicated when you need to share a huge file. No social media website or email service will let you privately share a big file of 10GB or higher. For this purpose, you need a dedicated tool that takes the large file from you and securely sends it to the recipient....

December 31, 2022 · 9 min · 1725 words · Mariah Webb

14 Wordpress Performance Optimization To Do Without Plugin

WordPress core is not heavy, but the themes, plugin you use may slow down the overall page load time. There are many techniques to speed up your WordPress website. For example: Using CDN (Content Delivery Network)Leveraging browser & server cachingHosting on performance-optimized serverUsing a lightweight theme However, do you know there are many things included in WordPress core which you may not use it and take necessary action on them may cut down a few bytes to load the website faster....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 810 words · Debra Phillips

15 Best Ark Server Hosting For Everyone

In case you are a game lover, do you remember your first video game during childhood? Mine was Super Mario. It revolutionized the gaming landscape, where things started becoming more about adventure and exploration and less about achieving high scores. I loved that concept then, and I love it now. I bet many of you would be in my club. This is how video games leave their ever-lasting impression on us....

December 31, 2022 · 17 min · 3488 words · Kathryn Parker

15 Docker Commands To Manage Containers List Stop Start Remove And More

In Docker, you either build your own images to run your application as a container, or you can pull and use thousands of public images from the Docker repository and use them in your project. Once your image is ready, you can launch your containers using those images. A container is a running instance of a Docker image. Managing Docker containers is one of the most important aspects to look after as a system administrator who manages Docker hosts/containers....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 772 words · Ralph Fendler

15 Examples Of Sftp Command In Linux

FTP traffic is unencrypted and insecure which is why it has been mostly replaced by SFTP. SFTP runs over SSH protocol by default on TCP port 22 and offers the same set of security and encryption capabilities as SSH. Default SSH daemon running as part of OpenSSH server on Linux systems supports basic features of SFTP protocol by default though there is separate dedicated software available like vsftpd which can be configured to get extra features and customizations....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 836 words · Harry Oiler

16 Best Gaming Affiliate Programs To Earn High Commissions

In comparison to any other niche, gaming is one of the most profitable ones in affiliate marketing. The gaming is further divided into sub-niches that represent the different kinds of games such as card, retro, racing, etc. A gaming affiliate may include gamers, content creators, streamers, etc. The gaming industry lets affiliates earn very high commissions for their promotions. It is a well-known fact that games will always be in fashion and affiliate programs too....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 769 words · Michael Charles

21 Best Productivity Apps For Programmers Developers

Here’s the thing, being busy and being productive are two different things. You can be busy doing anything that may or may not be productive or involve accomplishing much. Or, you may spend your maximum time doing repetitive tasks that can otherwise be automated or scrolling through emails. On the other hand, being productive means doing quality work efficiently, such as writing code, testing and executing code, and thinking about logic without procrastinating or feeling exhausted....

December 31, 2022 · 19 min · 4046 words · Nora Talley

26 Most Common Docker Commands With Examples

Docker is a containerization system which packages and runs the application with its dependencies inside a container. There are several docker commands you must know when working with Docker. This article is all about that. If you don’t know what Docker is, then you may take this Udemy beginner course. Finding the version One of the first things you want to know is how to find the installed docker version....

December 31, 2022 · 4 min · 683 words · William Elder

5 Best Cpu Stress Test Software For Programmers And Gamers

Computer performance degrades over time, and if you use it almost every day, issues start surfacing. You may experience frequent slowdowns, functions not working as expected, and unexpected shutdowns. These are signs you must never ignore because your computer is likely to suffer permanent damage if they persist. This is why you need to monitor your computer’s performance and conduct CPU stress testing to maintain your CPU and overall computer health....

December 31, 2022 · 8 min · 1558 words · Erica Thomas

5 Best Seo Monitoring Tools For Your Website

It applies everywhere, including business. Search engines like Google keep on changing the way they rank websites in their search list. And to be on the top, you need to monitor and optimize your website’s SEO. This is where SEO monitoring tools come into the picture. That said, whether you manage multiple sites or just a single enterprise-level site, always be vigilant of what’s going on in your site(s). And when things go south, you must be able to do quick fixes to keep ranking higher and avoid the after-effects....

December 31, 2022 · 9 min · 1729 words · Ruth Baker

5 Best Vpns For Kindle Fire For Easy Streaming

It’s compact, powerful, and does more than just read. Being a tablet, it allows you to do a number of different tasks, such as: Browse the internet 🌐Play games 🎮Play and store media, such as videos 📼Stream movies from other platforms 🍿Click photos and capture videos 📷 Keeping all those possibilities aside, every device has at least some drawbacks or cons that can become a little frustrating. In this case, the Kindle Fire device’s drawback is its geo-restrictions, which means you’d have some limits while streaming certain movies or downloading certain apps....

December 31, 2022 · 5 min · 1020 words · Joseph Salinas